My Story

My story, my mission, my journey continues to evolve. The constants are my love and passion for baking. My aptitude for creating delectable and original scones springs forth from that passion. The style is a simple and pleasing combination of American and European style scones that are sure to win over even the most hardened scone sceptic.

I stumbled into baking “in between” jobs in my thirties and acquired a penchant for all baked goods sweet and savory. I was lucky enough to learn from a highly successful self taught baker in Newport Beach, CA who had several successful bakeries. She and her husband were instrumental in setting me up for success and nurtured my talents. I went on to work at Il Fornaio Restaurant in their bakery department. There I learned the art of making bread and was able to participate in the research and development of new products.

The obsession for baking has never left me…it’s in my bones. After numerous careers, I am ready to revisit the daily aroma of scones just out of the oven. The cottage industry licensing has enabled me to fulfill a lifelong dream to create” happiness in a box.” The tender, flavorful and highly versatile scone is not just for breakfast anymore and we can bring it right to your door.